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Blended Gospels Bible Studies

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Why study all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) at the same time?

It helps us see the complete picture of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ. We will see how the Gospels fit together and bring us the bigger picture. We will see how God wove all four of these accounts together to give us a truly inspired look at Christ the Messiah, the Servant, the Man, and the Incarnate Word of God. By studying all four Gospels together, we will see the clearest picture of Christ.


Section One: ”NOW THE TIME HAS COME” covers some of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming Messiah up through His miracle performed at a wedding in Cana. $10.00


Section  Two “WRITTEN  THAT  WE  MIGHT  BELIEVE” opens with the first Passover Jesus attends at the start of His ministry and ends with the “Sermon on the Mount”. $12.00


Section Three: “JESUS DOES THE WILL OF THE FATHER” opens with the healing of the Centurion’s slave and ends with Jesus walking on the water. $12.00


Section Four: “JESUS IS REJECTED BY HIS OWN” concentrates on the Jewish rejection of Jesus as the Christ, the prophesied Messiah. Their blindness leads them into unbelief and rejection of the very Messiah who had come to free them from their bondage of sin. $9.00


Section Five: “JESUS TURNS TO THE CROSS, PART 1” Jesus opens this section of scripture by asking His disciples whom the people think He is. Jesus also reveals to the disciples that He is the Messiah and that He will soon die. Jesus is preparing His disciples by teaching them about the “cost” of following Him and the discipline of prayer. $14.00


Section Six: “JESUS TURNS TO THE CROSS, PART 2” Jesus opens this section of scripture by continuing to teach his disciples by both His words and deeds. Jesus continues to tell His disciples that He must die soon. Jesus loves spending this precious time teaching and preparing them for His departure. $12.00


Section Seven: “THE LAST WEEK, PART 1” opens with Jesus staying with Lazarus in the town of Bethany. He is anointed with oil by Mary to prepare Him for His upcoming death on the cross. This section takes us through part of Jesus’ last week before His appointment with the cross. This section ends with Jesus’ warnings about false messiahs coming to them and saying they are the One. $12.00


Section Eight: “THE LAST WEEK, PART 2” opens with Jesus giving them hints as to how they will know when He is returning to them as He continues to remind them that He must depart very soon. This section ends with Jesus praying for His disciples and even for those who would believe in the future. $10.00


Section Nine: “THE END OF THE BEGINNING” opens with Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane asking God to take the cup from Him. This section ends with Jesus declaring ”Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” $12.00

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