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Deborah Sisco, who founded Hands on Ministry in 2004, had been teaching Bible Studies designed by others since the early '80s.  In 2002 Deborah had the opportunity to work with a writing team for her church. She learned that she enjoyed writing questions and saw that how a question was asked would lead the student back to the Bible passage for the answer.

In the spring of 2003, a group of women came to Deborah and asked her if she would be willing to write a Bible Study that they could use for the summer.  She agreed to design a study from the book of Philippians.  That summer, five women met on Deborah's back patio and studied Philippians.  They were excited about doing the study and asked for further studies.

In the fall of 2003, Deborah was still leading a study group at her church and was praying about writing her own studies.  Linda Madden and Karlyn Miller joined her in praying for God's guidance in this venture.  The three friends prayed from the fall of 2003 until the summer of 2004 about what the next step should be.  They prayed for insight, as well as the style of the study and their overall mission.

Finally, after a year of prayer and contemplation, it was time to step out in Faith! God had laid on Deborah’s heart several important components to this new type of study:
• Small discussion groups
• Allowing the Holy Spirit to teach
• Empowering the student to learn the Truth of the Scripture for themselves
• Prayer to be a high priority
In the fall of 2004 Hands on Ministry was established. Deborah and her team stepped out in faith not knowing if they would be successful….but confident that God was leading them. Their first group consisted of five women that met in a recreation room. They soon outgrew that location. Hands on Ministry was given a room in the Town and Country Bowling Lanes they call the “UpperRoom”. Three different groups met there for Hands on Ministry Bible studies. Still, other study groups meet in homes and in recreation rooms.
God is blessing Hands on Ministry beyond a local Bible Study. The custom designed studies are being used by missionaries for both personal study and for those to whom they have been sent to teach. The Beginners’ study of John is in seven Spanish speaking countries from Mexico and Central America to South America.
Materials available for study:
• Paul’s letters studied in chronological order, starting with Galatians and ending with 2 Timothy
• The Blended Gospels: All four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) blended together and studied as one book. It is much like seeing the life of Christ in 3D
• The Acts of the Holy Spirit; This study focuses on the Holy Spirit and how He works, based on the book of Acts • Beginners’ John and Romans, both in English and Spanish, simply introduce the student to the Truth of the Word of God
• A chronological study of the Old Testament. Books available are Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.
• A study in Holiness. Learn more about what God’s Holiness is and how He has provided Holiness for those who believe in Him
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