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Section One: Genesis 1-10 “Begin at the Beginning!”.  This nine week study starts with God’s creation and ends with Noah’s sons Shem, Japheth and Ham.  You will walk through this beginning study digging into Genesis in perhaps a way you have never studied before.


Section Two: Genesis 11-26 “God’s Plan to Bless all Nations”:  This 12 week study starts with the tower of Babel and ends with God’s covenant with Isaac.  You will walk through this study digging into Genesis in perhaps a way you have never studied before.


Section Three:  Genesis 27-38 “Deceptions, Blessings and Promises”  This third section of the Chronological study of the Old Testament opens in Genesis 27.  We see that Isaac is old and ready to pass on the blessing of inherence to his eldest son Esau.  However, as you will see , you will see deception, lies and misplaced priorities.  The end of this section of study you will see God’s sovereign design as He continues to develop a nation He will call His own.


Section Four:  Genesis 39-50 “God’s Plan for Preservation”: Have you ever asked yourself the question why something seemingly unfair has happened in your life and wondered why it was allowed to happen? You might find an answer to that question studying Genesis 39-50. This section of Old Testament scripture  takes the wrong done to a young man named Joseph and uses that wrong to preserve nations.  Joseph goes through an incredible transformation from being a spoiled favored son to a great leader of people for God’s purposes.

Joseph shows us a way to forgive from his own ability to forgive his brothers. He makes a heartfelt statement to his brothers … “ As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20   - Wow! 


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