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Section Six: Exodus 1-12 “God Brings His People Out of Egypt”: The descendants of Jacob find themselves among a people who do not remember what great and wonderful things Joseph had done for them. They were outsiders who were multiplying and becoming strong among the Egyptians. The Egyptians “feared them.” The Egyptian leaders decided to make the children of Israel slaves, hoping that the hard work would keep their numbers in check. But the harder they worked they increased in number by God’s blessing. They cried out to God and God “remembers His Covenant with Abraham.” Moses is chosen by God to lead his fellow Israelites out of Egypt. You will study in detail how God prepares Moses for this assignment. God’s plan is to show the Children of Israel and all of Egypt that He is the I AM THAT I AM. Come join us as we start this wonderful journey into the early beginnings of the Israelites and how they are all part of the covenant God made with Abraham.

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