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Bible Studies

A chronological study of Paul's letters

When you study Paul’s letters in the order they were written, you will see more clearly why Paul wrote what he wrote at the time he wrote it.  Understanding the historical relationship helps us better view Paul’s intent and we see more clearly the context of his letters. Take the challenge of studying God’s Word through Paul’s letters and join him on his missionary journeys as he writes to encourage, challenge, teach and help develop maturity in those individuals who have chosen to believe and follow Jesus. 


Item #: PL1 - Galatians (7 Week study)

Paul wrote this letter to the churches he founded in the region of Galatia, warning them against certain false teachers. He reminds them of the simple message of salvation by faith alone.
Price $7.00


Item #: PL2 - I and II Thessalonians (10 Weeks)
Paul wrote this letter to the church he began in Thessalonica. He was excited about their Christian faith and reminds them of his intense love for them and answers questions about what death means for a Christian.  Paul wrote the second letter to tells them that the antichrist is coming and that they must continue in their Faith until Jesus returns. 
Price $10.00


Item #: PL3 - I Corinthians 1-6 (8 Weeks)
This letter was written to the church at Corinth during Paul’s third and final missionary journey while at Ephesus. Paul addresses his concerns for the arrogance and lack of unity he has heard about in the Corinthian Church.
Price $8.00 


Item #: PL4 - I Corinthians 7-16 (11 Weeks)
This part of 1 Corinthians Paul answers the questions the Corinthian Church has asked about marriage, idolatry, and spiritual gifts.  As you study this letter you will discover that love has to be our motivator in all we do for the Lord.
Price $11.00 


Item #: PL5 - II Corinthians (11 Weeks)
HOW TO HANDLE CONFLICTS WITHOUT AND FEARS WITHIN, Paul wrote this second letter to the church in Corinth from Macedonia while on his way to Corinth. As the most personal of all his letters, he expresses both how exciting and how painful his life as a missionary has been.  He also finds it necessary to defend himself against those who are criticizing him.
Price $11.00 


Item #: PL6 - Romans (15 Weeks)
The book of Romans is arguably Paul’s finest letter.  It was written as a compelling argument for what Christians ought to believe.   To study this book will bring into focus what the whole Christian faith is all about.

Price $15.00 


Item #: PL7 - Ephesians, Philemon & Colossians (12 Weeks)
LIGHT IN A DARK WORLD, Paul wrote Ephesians from prison to the church he started in Ephesus. In the first half, he explains God’s great plan to redeem the world through Christ, showing what this means for individual Christians and for the whole church. In the second half, he gives practical advice on how to live the Christian life. Philemon This one chapter letter is such a good example as to how love changes everything.  Colossians False teachers were deceiving some of those to whom Paul writes. He stresses the power and glory of Christ and instructs his readers on how to live as Christians. 
Price $12.00


Item #: PL8 - Philippians, I Timothy, Titus & II Timothy (17 weeks)
Paul wrote Philippians to the church he started in Philippi. Even though he is in prison, he rejoices when he thinks of what Christ means to him and how the Philippians are staying faithful. He gives some very practical advice on how to live the Christian life.
I Timothy: Paul wrote this letter to young Timothy, who is serving as a pastor in Ephesus.  He instructs him in how to organize and run the church and how to deal with false teachers and refute what they were saying. Titus: Paul writes to Titus, a pastor serving in Crete, to advise him both on what to teach the churches and on how to organize them, especially with false teachers around. 
II Timothy: This second letter to Timothy was written by Paul shortly before he is called home (II Timothy 4:6-8).  Times are difficult, both morally and spiritually, and he wants to encourage Timothy to persevere in his Christian faith. 
Price $17.00

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